Wednesday 9 June 2010

What to do if God has stopped speaking to you.

It seems ages since I was able to write anything on my blog.

Recently I have been asking myself why does God speak to some people and not to others. It seems unfair that He would speak to some and not to others but it is not God who is being unfair because God is always fair, it is our fault.
Let me ask a couple of questions first, How much time do we give God in your daily lives? Where is God in our priorities? If we don't give God much time in our lifes and He is not high on our priorities it is normal for us to become hard of hearing. We are spending too much time listening to other voices in our lives rather than the one that matters above all else. We need to refocus ourselves, re-prioritise our lives and gove God the rightful place in our lives. As we do that and we start to read His word and spend time praying and listening we will retrain our ears to hear God's voice and he will speak to us again. He will reveal through the Holy Spirit new and wonderful things and he will also guide us in our everyday lives and if He has asked us to do something and we have not yet done it He will remind us about it and wont give us anything else until we do it because God is lloking to us to be obedient to his and his word.

If we give God space and time in our lives, study his word and have a 2 way communication with Him he will come and speak to us and who knows what may happen when we are obedient.

What to do next?
Search our hearts, repent if we have become hard of hearing and hard hearted, ask God to soften our hearts and start to do the things that we need to do in order to hear from Him and He will speak because he is longing for a relationship with us more than we want a relationship with Him.

May God richly bless you as you seek His face.

1 comment:

  1. You might find this post interesting on my blog - it discusses, implicitly, some of the ideas in the above...



    P.S. The Evangelical nightshelter mentioned is in Leeds, so perhaps another connection?
