Tuesday 24 November 2009

Priorities, Priorities

I have come to realise that you can't put right years of wrongs quickly. When we turn to God and admit that we have gone away from where we should be, and have decided to recommit our lives to Him it seems easy to say the right things. We make great promises to God, we aim high as far as changing our lives goes, we say that we will read our Bible daily, pray daily and talk to God through out the day. We even commit to getting up earlier in order to do this before the busyness of the day starts. Then reality hits home and you ask yourself can I do this?
The night before you are filled with good intentions and you set your alarm for 30 minutes before you normally get up for the next day, you even get your Bible out ready, and then you fall asleep.....
The next morning arrives and the alarm goes off and you hit snooze, just 5 more minutes and then I will get up you telll yourself.... and then you snooze again before you drag yourself out of bed feeling worse than if you had got up straight away. Downstais you go, eyes hardly able to focus let alone read anything and so you put the kettle on for a cup of tea. After your drink you look at your watch and you have 5 minutes left before you have to start getting ready for work and so you decide not to start today, tomorrow will be different but we all know tomorrow never comes.......

What do we have to do? Joyce Meyer says that you don't get anything done with wish bone it takes back bone to do anything. We have to get tough with ourselves and keep reminding ourselves who we made these promises to. It was to our Father God who loves us and longs to have fellowship with us so that he can talk to us through his word and through prayer. We have to get our priorities right at the start of the day.

Include God right at the start and the day seems to go smoother than if we hadn't. It sets up right for the day with the right mindset because the devil fights us for our thoughts before we even get up and when we hit snooze we are listening to his voice and not God's. We need to keep reminding ourselves that this is as important to us as going to work is and that we can't skip this time in the morning.

The key message is fit your life around God and not God around your life.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

What a night !!!!!!

I have used this picture again because the last time I was saying that I couldn't do this. Last night that all changed, Let me explain.
I contacted my old Pastor a couple of months ago and asked for help in receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and he told me to read a book on the subject and then we would have a chat. After I read the book I contacted him again and he said that the church was having a special weekend on this subject and invited me to come along.
I have been to a couple of services like this and it seemed like everyone was being baptised but me and so I wasn't sure what to expect. On sunday the Pastor encouraged everyone to go away and become hungry for God ready for the Monday night's service and so I did.
I spent time in prayer and laid a few things down at Jesus's feet and prepared myself but I still didn't know what to expect.
Monday evening came and I was surprised that right from the first song I was able to lift my hands in worship and I started to really get into the worship time. After that the Pastor preached again and we worshipped some more and then we started to pray specifically for God to baptise us in the Holy Spirit.
Everyone was then encouraged to go the front and find a space to continue praying. This time the Pastor and Church Worker came and prayed with everyone and it was here that things changed.

Right at the time I was prayed for a heat went from the top of my head to the tip of my feet and I started to utter words that I have never heard before and was encouraged to keep saying them and any other words that came into my mind. After about 20 minutes of this we all formed a tunnel which everyone passed through and as they did everyone was encouraged to pray for them. Well I have never experienced anything like it, people were staggering, laughing, crying and even unable to move as the Holy Spirit came and ministered to us. It was an amazing experience and one that I don't think I will forget.

God is good and he does answer the prayers of those who honestly seek him. It may take a while like with me but the answer does come and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me next.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Christian Life

I was watching a programme the other day and the presenter was talking about the ups and downs of the Christian life and Igot to thinking..... Does this mirror my life? Do I have highs and lows or is it very much like a straight line on a graph?

I have to say that I don't have highs and lows, my life is almost a flat line and if I were to draw a line on a graph I would have to say it would be close to the bottom. At this moment in my life I don't get much from the church service because my wife and i tend to be trying to occupy our 2 daughters rather than concentrating on what the preacher is saying. I need to spend time at home reading the Bible more and applying what I read to my life.

I am reminded about what Joyce Meyer says, wishbone wont get anything done but backbone will. I need to do something about this and then I wont be reliant on getting something from the service.

The Holy Spirit longs for me to meet with him so that he can teach me and show me new things which will deepen my relationship with Jesus.

It is up to me, the Holy Spirit wont force himself on me, I need to chose to change my priorities and this what I am going to do today.

Here's to a new adventure with Jesus!

Tuesday 22 September 2009


I have not been well for nearly 2 weeks now. I have had a very heavy cold which has affected my eyes and ears as well and my nose. Tomorrow will be my third visit to the doctors to try and get rid of whatever it is that is making me poorly.

My frustration is that I have wanted to spend time in prayer but because of my throbbing head I have not been able to bow my head or lie down which I like to do sometimes when I pray.

I know that Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world and by his stripes I am healed but that has not been my experience this time.

I also know that it is not Jesus fault that I have not been healed because His sacrifice on the cross was once and for all and healing is available to me whenever I need it, I just have to reach out and take hold of the healing.

I know that this sounds like a big whinge but I do have a testimony to bring. I took the service on Sunday and despite fealing awful, God took my weakness and used it for His glory. The service was well received so praise God!!!

Monday 7 September 2009

I realised last night at a worship service that I can only go so far in worship before hitting the walls of reservation and fear. Reservation because it was not how I was brought up, we didn't raise our hands in the Methodist Church or sing our own songs in the time of worship. Fear because of what people will think of me. I have heard what people think of people who raise their hands. I long to get a big demolition ball and SMASH these walls down so that there are no restrictions when I worship God.
I need to not worry about what people "may" think of me and worry about what God thinks of me. That is what is important.
I need to throw off the shackles of religion and worship from the heart.
God please show me how to do this.
Any ideas?

Friday 4 September 2009

What is this blog all about

I hope to keep a journal of my seeking after God. I am a Reader in the Church of England but have worshipped in the Methodist and Elim churches before. I believe that God has so much more for me which will equip me for my ministry.

I have played at being a Christian for far too long and know that God is calling to this journey. I want everything that God has for me and not in a self glorification way because all the glory goes to God.

I owe everything to God because He sent His Son to die for me on the cross at Calvary and paid the price for my sins past, present & future. Now I have eternal life because of what He did for me.

My prayer is that through my journey I maybe able to help other people who struggle like I do with things.

Yours in Christ
